0514 - 86342693
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全国供应船用吸入格栅-圆形吸入格栅B150 CB/T615-1995

单  品  价  格


  • 1500.00元/件


徐杰 副总经理 总工程师
18112418048 0514 - 86342693
  • 发货地  江苏 扬州市
  • 供货总量  100 件
  • 品 牌  飞航
  • 注册资本:未填写
  • 企业类型:企业单位
  • 主营产品:船用手动比例复合阀,油水舱空气管头,油水舱透气帽,透气帽浮子浮盘,透气帽浮盘,海水滤器,粗水滤器,单联油滤器,双联粗油滤器,泥箱
  • 公司地区:江苏/扬州市
  • 公司荣誉:
  • 查询企业:企业征信查询
  • 暂无产品目录
本页信息为扬州飞航船舶附件厂为您提供的“全国供应船用吸入格栅-圆形吸入格栅B150 CB/T615-1995”产品信息,如您想了解更多关于“全国供应船用吸入格栅-圆形吸入格栅B150 CB/T615-1995”价格、型号、厂家,请联系厂家,或给厂家留言。
  • 品牌:飞航
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 最后更新:2024-01-03 09:51
  • 浏览次数:677

全国供应船用吸入格栅-圆形吸入格栅B150 CB/T615-1995

加工定制 : 型号 : A-矩形,B-圆形
材质 : 碳钢,不锈钢 样品或现货 : 样品
是否标准件 : 标准件 品牌 : 飞航
执行标准 : CB/T615-1995 公称通径 : 50-500A
形状 : 矩形,圆形 表面处理 : 热镀锌


Suction grille - submarine door suction grille


海底格栅-海底门吸入格栅A250 CB/T615-1995:

Submarine grille - submarine door suction grille A250 CB/T615-1995



Applicable to the rectangular strip suction grille with the nominal diameter of DN250, the submarine door suction grille, its grill seat size: 360mm*550mm, this marine submarine door suction grille is matched with: hull opening size For: 384mm*574mm*80mm  

吸入格栅-海底门吸入格栅A300 CB/T615-1995:

Suction grille - submarine door suction grille A300 CB/T615-1995:



Applicable to the rectangular strip suction grille with the nominal diameter of DN300, the submarine door suction grille, its grill seat size: 480mm*616mm, this marine submarine door suction grille is matched with: hull opening size For: 504mm*640mm*80mm

船用吸入格栅-圆形吸入格栅B150 CB/T615-1995:

Marine suction grille - round suction grille B150 CB/T615-1995:



Applicable to the rectangular strip suction grille with the nominal diameter of DN300, the submarine door suction grille, its grill seat size is: 336mm*95mm, this marine submarine door suction grille is matched with: hull opening diameter For: 355mm



热镀锌吸入格栅-海底门吸入格栅 产品概述

Hot-dip galvanized suction grille - submarine door suction grille Product Overview


  船用海底门吸入格栅-海底门热镀锌吸入格栅 的作用是:过滤混合在吸入海水中的杂物,防止杂物阻塞淡水热交换器及润滑油热交换器,同时避免杂物缠绕冷却水泵等。

Marine submarine door suction grille - Subsea door hot-dip galvanizing suction grille is used to filter and mix debris in the inhaled seawater to prevent debris from blocking the fresh water heat exchanger and the lubricating oil heat exchanger, while avoiding debris winding cooling Pumps, etc.


船用吸入格栅 《Bilge suction grill》海底门吸入格栅的产品特点

Marine suction grille "Bilge suction grill" product features of submarine door suction grille



●Reliable material: all parts are made of strict GB ship related standards


●Installation method: easy to operate, the submarine door opening is carried out according to the size of the grille frame on the ship, and then welded and reinforced to complete the installation.

●Reliable sealing: all processes are fully welded to ensure seamless integration of all link parts


●A type rectangular strip bottom suction grille and B type round strip suction grille must be hot-dip galvanized, the thickness of zinc layer should not be less than 430g/m2


●C-type circular drilling bottom suction grille and D-shaped rectangular drilling suction grille must be hot-dip galvanized, zinc layer thickness can be slightly thinner than A and B type


●After fixing the fixing bolts of each bottom suction grille, the end of the bolts should be sealed with epoxy.



扬州飞航船舶附件厂是一家专注于船用管系附件 、船用液压阀件、船用内舾装产品的生产型企业。 我司生产的船用附件产品规格齐全,材质有铸铁,铸钢,青铜以及不锈钢等,广泛应用于船舶,石油及海工平台。所有产品实行

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公司名 扬州飞航船舶附件厂 经营模式
注册资本未填写 公司注册时间
公司所在地江苏/扬州市 企业类型企业单位 ()
保 证 金已缴纳 0.00
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