
首页 > 供应产品 > 供应山地履带吊运车 果园小型履带吊运车 特殊地形履带吊运机价格
供应山地履带吊运车 果园小型履带吊运车 特殊地形履带吊运机价格
产品: 浏览次数:658供应山地履带吊运车 果园小型履带吊运车 特殊地形履带吊运机价格 
品牌: 鹿鸣
单价: 25000.00元/台
最小起订量: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-11-28 10:22
品牌 : 鹿鸣 型号 : LM/LDD-3000C
加工定制 : 起重机类型 : 履带吊
操作形式 : 半自动 结构形式 : 全液压
跨度 : 12米 悬臂长度 : 4米
有效起升高度 : 12米 额定起重量 : 3吨
适用范围 : 行走吊装 大车运行速度 : 4千米/小时
额定起重力矩 : 120千牛·米 回转速度 : 11转/分钟

1. 玻璃工程
通过使用安装在搜索钩上的真空玻璃吸盘,即使在屋顶下方也可以安装玻璃。SPT系列的诞生是为了更 的完成玻璃安装的工作。迷你蜘蛛吊车在室内,狭窄空间和狭窄通道的应用也非常广泛。
Glazing Works
By using vacuum glass handlers hung from the hook block or installed on a searcher hook, glass can be installed where required even just beneath the roof. Another popular application for mini spider cranes in indoor, confined spaces, narrow spaces, and narrow pathway places. The SPT series was born to realize more efficient glazing works
2. 幕墙安装
小型起重机可以通过电梯运输到高层建筑的上层,然后用于玻璃框架等外墙的安装工作。这是微型起重机 的应用之一,可以通过避免使用昂贵的塔式起重机来缩短施工周期并降低成本。
Curtain Wall Installation
Mini cranes can be transported to the upper floors of high rise buildings by service elevators and then used for installation works of outer walls such as glass frames, by hoisting the wire rope from above in several stages. This is one of the most popular applications for mini cranes which can create shorter construction periods and cut costs by avoiding the use of expensive tower cranes.
3. 狭窄空间作业
即使在狭窄的空间,我们的蜘蛛吊车也可以通过四个支撑支腿发挥重要作用。通过充分利用有效的作业半径,可以在有限的空间内避开障碍物(如电源线)工作,也可以实现安全的提升工作, 适合在较大起重机无法进入的狭窄位置工作。
Restricted Access
Even in confined places or spaces with obstacles, our spider cranes play an important role in safety with four supportive outriggers. By using the working range restriction feature, safe lifting work can be achieved even with obstacles you want to avoid contact such as power lines,most suitable for works in confined locations that bigger cranes cannot access.
4. 屋顶工作
Rooftop Work
Lightweight mini cranes can be placed on rooftops and lift materials from the ground. There is no need to block roads for the use of bigger cranes, and works normally carried out by tower cranes can be taken on by mini cranes. So shorter construction periods and cost cuttings can be achieved. The mini cranes can be lifted up to rooftops easily by tower cranes or elevators.
5. 钢结构与建筑施工
Steel Erection & Building Construction
For steel erection works inside various building and on rooftop, and for steel tower erection works.
6. 市政建筑施工
用于机场,火车站,大坝施工现场等建筑材料的吊装工程。凭借其在狭窄场所的灵活便利性,我们的迷你起重机已在许多世界 设施的建设中使用。
Civil Construction
For lifting works of construction materials at airports, train stations, dam construction sites and many more. With its advantageous accessibility to confined places, our mini cranes have been used during the construction of many world famous facilities.
7. 住宅施工
Residential Construction
For residential material lifting from inside and outside of residences. Easy access from the edge of cliffs through to courtyards is our mini crane’s specialty, which bigger cranes cannot do.


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